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Standard data for Site Engineer


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Standard data for SITE Engineers

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  1. Lapping is not allowed for the bars having diameters more than 36 mm.
  2. Chair spacing maximum spacing is 1.00 m (or) 1 No per 1 Sq.m
  3. for dowels rod minimum of 12 mm dia. should be used.
  4. Chairs minimum of 12 mm dia. bars to be used.
  5. Longitudinal reinforcement not less than 0.8% and more than 6% of gross C/S.
  6. Minimum bars for square column is 4 No’s and 6 No’s for circular column.
  7. Main bars in the slabs shall not be less than 8 mm (HYSD) or 10 mm (Plain bars) and the distributors not less than 8 mm and not more than 1/8 of slab thickness.
  8. Minimum thickness of slab is 125 mm
  9. Dimension tolerance for cubes + 2 mm
  10. Free fall of concrete is allowed maximum to 1.50m.
  11. Lap slices not be used for bar larger than 36 mm.
  12. Water absorption not more than 15 %
  13. PH value of the water should not be less than 6.
  14. Compressive strength of Bricks is 3.5 N / mm2
  15. in steel reinforcement binding wire required is 8 kg per MT
  16. In soil filling as per IS code 100 sq. m should take 3 sample for core cutting test


For columns, walls, vertical form works         : 16-24 hrs

Soffit formwork to slabs                                  : 3 days (props to be refixed after removal)

Soffit to beams props                                      : 7 days props to refix after removal.

Spanning up to 4.50m                                    : 7 days

Spanning over 4.50m                                     :  14 days

Arches spanning up to 6m                              : 14 days

Arches spanning over 6m                              : 21 days


Structure                                                         = 979 / SQ. ft.

                       (Concreting, Block work, Plastering, Flooring, Dado, painting)

Electrical works (Modular switches)               = 172 / SQ. ft.

Plumbing (P.H.E)                                            = 93 / SQ. ft.

Fire Fighting                                                    = 13 / SQ. ft.

Lift                                                                   = 34 / SQ. ft.

Common Area                                                 = 94 / SQ. ft.

External development (Landscape, road works, drains etc.,)           = 87 / SQ. ft.

Calculation of Materials:-

a)         For 1 m3 of concrete Mix 1:2:4 (M15)

Add 50% for wet concrete                  = 1.50 m3

= 1.50 / (1+2+4)= 0.214 m3

For 1 m3 = 28.8 bags of cement required (1440/50) say 29 bags

Cement                                               = 0.214 x 29 = 6.206 bags

Sand                                                    = 0.214 x 2 = 0.428 m3

Aggregate                                           = 0.214 x 4 = 0.856 m3

b) Wall plastering in CM 1:4 of 12 mm thick for 100 m2:-

Volume = 100 x (12/1000)                  = 1.20 m3

Add 30 to 35% as bulking of sand      = 0.36 m3

Add 20 as wastage of sand                = 0.312 m3 

Total                                                    = 1.872 m3 = (1.872 / (1+4))  =0.374 m3      

Cement           =          0.374 x 29         = 10.846 bags                      

Sand                =          0.374 x 4           = 1.496 m3   

c)  For 100 m3 of solid Block masonry in CM 1:6 mix 8” thick:-

Volume            = 100 x 0.2 (Thickness of wall)           = 20 m3                                              

No. of blocks required             = 20/ (0.4 x 0.2 x 0.2) = 12502 No’s  

Volume of mortar                    = 20-{0.39 x 0.19 x 0.19 x 1250}       

                                                            = 20 – 17.598  = 2.40 m3                                                       

Note: 200mm – 10 mm for mortar thickness = 190 mm       

Blocks                                     =17.598/(0.4 x 0.2 x 0.2) =1100 No’s

            Add 2% wastage                     = 22                

            Total                                        = 1122 No’s    

Increase by 25% for dry mortar          = 3 M3 = 3/ (1+6) = 0.429 M3

Cement                                               = 0.429 x 30    = 12.50 bags

Sand                                       `           = 0.429 x 6      = 2.57 M3

Blocks                                                  = 1122 No’s    

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